Ziik is the first All-In-One internal communication and information sharing platform for better employee engagement up and down the organization

Ziik’s been a leading intranet provider in the EU for years now. They’re entering the North American market. We’ll make sure u get executive level attention from Ziik corporate HQ in Copenhagen. Many major American franchisors have been using Ziik for years in various European Union countries. Their stories are 1-click away.

Here’s a few links that’ll explain what’s better about Ziik’s approach and several case studies from recognizable American franchisors. 

  1. Ziik Overview for Franchisors and Multi-Location Businesses
  2. Ziik for Franchisors
  3. Ziik Case Study: McDonalds
  4. Ziik Case Study: Subway
  5. Ziik Case Study: 7-11

You do have to see Ziik to believe it. Thousands of happy users now say “Just Ziik It”.


Our core franchise development and consulting services 

Premier Recruiter

Ideal as a fully-outsourced recruitment solution

Premier Recruiter includes everything in Pro Prospector, plus we help take all serious leads through your franchisee recruitment pipeline.

We’ll work with your serious leads until they are disqualified, drop out or sign a franchise agreement.

For a full description, click here.

Pro Prospector

Ideal for young and emerging brands

Pro Prospector automatically identifies serious leads buried within your recruiting pipeline and delivers them to your recruiters. Pro Prospector includes solution design, setup, training implementation and management, plus monthly reporting.

Pro Prospector also includes an assessment of your…

  • storytelling assets
  • lead generation approach
  • email strategy and programs
  • online presence

For a full description, click here.

Special Services

For a full description, click here.


Lead Generation Management

Ideal for franchisors with limited to no marketing support

Includes evaluation, placement and management of top of the pipeline lead generation concepts, messaging, channels and budget

Dedicated Franchisee Recruitment Website

Ideal for franchisors who desire a stronger presence on the Internet

Includes strategy, wireframe, copy, design and deployment of a dedicated franchisee recruitment website

Storytelling Edits and / or Development

Ideal for franchisors who want to augment their storytelling using our strategic content template

Includes filling in story gaps to deliver the information most desired by people exploring online

5 Franchisee Recruitment Traps to Sidestep for Faster Growth

Fast-growing brands can easily slip into one or more of these traps as they tackle the challenges of rapid growth.

Avoid them or risk hitting speed bumps along the journey.

Accelerate Franchise Growth... Expand Faster

How many more new franchisees would you like?

Discover the impact faster growth can have on your franchise brand in a few simple steps...

Recruitment reports no franchisor Should Live Without

These reports showcase important aspects of recruitment pipeline activity.

These critical performance metrics are often scattered, if available at all.

FPS Services Summary

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Integrated CRM and marketing automation solutions for startups, young and emerging franchise brands and franchise brokers with an emphasis on 'personal branding'.

How Should a Franchisee Recruitment Solution Help You Find Qualified Prospects?

Allow your recruiters to spend virtually no time weeding out unqualified leadsA great recruitment solution allows your recruiters to spend virtually no time weeding out unqualified leads and focuses precious recruiter time on your most Qualified Prospects. Where do...

5 Common Franchisee Recruitment Traps that Stall Unit Growth for New, Growing or Emerging Brands

Own, run or finance a franchise?Avoid these 5 common traps that stall or kill unit growth1. Firing Your Recruiter The #1 trap is often the least true. But it’s the easiest for a brand to feel good about; it’s quick, decisive but often the wrong choice. Can there be...

My 20-Year Journey to Great Recruitment Pipeline Management

Subheading hereIt takes a recruiter up to 30 minutes to ‘speak with’ one new lead! Think about it. It starts with manual or auto entry in a CRM, error checks, research, territory lookup, 1st call + voicemail + email; 2nd call + voicemail + email and finally 3rd call +...

The Science & Art of Franchisee Recruitment

Signing new franchisees is very much a numbers game…...However, without consistent, replicable processes and methods the numbers to hit growth goals will simply not stack up… When a successful company sets up as a franchise, they usually want to become a nationally...

Our Solutions

Services Summary

Employee Communications and Information Sharing Solutions

Franchise Development and Consulting Outsourced Services