
Is All the Info Here?

Tell A Story That Encourages Contact

Serious leads won’t work hard to understand your story… Make it easy

A franchise brand story, if not carefully organized and mapped out, can be confusing. And confusion encourages a serious lead to move on. So fashion an invisible “guiding hand” for a serious lead. You outline the picture, but they color wherever they want first.

Make sure the story categories you select are easy to understand. Guessing slows down a serious lead’s research and education process.

Adding simple “why should I care” context to your story favorably positions you against other opportunities on their radar. You’ll be inside your serious lead’s head; guiding them to conclude that making contact is in their best interest.

Make it easy for a serious lead to engage directly with you at a time of their choosing. That means resisting the urge to prematurely demand too much information or contact too soon. A serious lead knows the difference between being pushed, being sold and learning. Avoid the temptation to sell.

A well-executed, self-guided online story experience will produce more serious leads. The twist: it’s when they’re ready; not you. Your job is to prepare them to be ready. In fact, a great online experience often pre-sells over 50% of your entire brand concept before they contact you.

View our Great Storytelling Checklist and see how you stack up. If we can help, let us know.

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How many more new franchisees would you like?

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Integrated CRM and marketing automation solutions for startups, young and emerging franchise brands and franchise brokers with an emphasis on 'personal branding'.