About Us

What We Do

We improve franchisor internal communications and information sharing challenges

We improve franchise development programs

We’re bringing ziik to growing multi-location north american franchisors to improve internal communications and information sharing challenges

The Story of Ziik

Ziik enables & empowers each employee to be an active part of your franchise.

An all-in-one platform, Ziik solves today’s biggest doc sharing and communication problems for growing multi-location franchisors.

Ziik delivers the right information, in the right way, into the right hands at the right time for your HQ and support teams and franchisees and their employees.

Reimagining the intranet, Ziik is now the world’s leading all-in-one internal communication and information sharing mobile platform for better employee engagement.

Ziik started with a blank sheet of paper in 2015.

Zeek brings employees together at all organizational levels

It’s taken Europe by storm amassing a user base of 10s of thousands in a few short years. Ziik was built for today’s sharing & communication challenges, not those of 10 or 15 years ago.

Ziik is an AI powered software organism that evolves through the active engagement of 1,000s of its global users.

It’s not “code” jammed into existing video or intranet software like so many others. It’s the future, not the past of franchise-wide natural information sharing & communications.


5 Franchisee Recruitment Traps to Sidestep for Faster Growth

Fast-growing brands can easily slip into one or more of these traps as they tackle the challenges of rapid growth.

Avoid them or risk hitting speed bumps along the journey.

Accelerate Franchise Growth... Expand Faster

How many more new franchisees would you like?

Discover the impact faster growth can have on your franchise brand in a few simple steps...

Recruitment reports no franchisor Should Live Without

These reports showcase important aspects of recruitment pipeline activity.

These critical performance metrics are often scattered, if available at all.

FPS Services Summary

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Integrated CRM and marketing automation solutions for startups, young and emerging franchise brands and franchise brokers with an emphasis on 'personal branding'.

How Should a Franchisee Recruitment Solution Help You Find Qualified Prospects?

Allow your recruiters to spend virtually no time weeding out unqualified leadsA great recruitment solution allows your recruiters to spend virtually no time weeding out unqualified leads and focuses precious recruiter time on your most Qualified Prospects. Where do...

5 Common Franchisee Recruitment Traps that Stall Unit Growth for New, Growing or Emerging Brands

Own, run or finance a franchise?Avoid these 5 common traps that stall or kill unit growth1. Firing Your Recruiter The #1 trap is often the least true. But it’s the easiest for a brand to feel good about; it’s quick, decisive but often the wrong choice. Can there be...

My 20-Year Journey to Great Recruitment Pipeline Management

Subheading hereIt takes a recruiter up to 30 minutes to ‘speak with’ one new lead! Think about it. It starts with manual or auto entry in a CRM, error checks, research, territory lookup, 1st call + voicemail + email; 2nd call + voicemail + email and finally 3rd call +...

The Science & Art of Franchisee Recruitment

Signing new franchisees is very much a numbers game…...However, without consistent, replicable processes and methods the numbers to hit growth goals will simply not stack up… When a successful company sets up as a franchise, they usually want to become a nationally...

Automatically find serious franchisee leads and get back hours of wasted time working bad leads

What do we do?

Franchise Pipeline Solutions (FPS) improves franchisee recruitment ROI. We show franchise brands how to find serious franchisee leads. We’ll show you how to keep bad franchisee leads away from your recruiters using a proven set of methodologies, a decade in the making.

Developed by recruiting pros for recruiting pros

Like many innovations, FPS started with a problem. A problem facing many franchise brands…find, persuade and recruit qualified prospects. We discovered and documented just how inefficient, time consuming and expensive it’s become to work 100s of incoming leads only to find a very few serious leads.

Indeed, we’re confident we can give your recruiter back at least 50 hours a month spent chasing bad leads. Why? Well, we’ve done it for ourselves month after month for years now.

How did we tackle these challenges?

We began at the beginning, examining franchisee recruitment pipeline management practices.

Three insights emerged.

  • First, too many franchisors still try and jump immediately to active franchisee recruitment with no filter in between; reducing overall recruitment productivity. It’s classic “dialing for dollars” methods.
  • Second, other industries had evolved their sales pipeline management processes faster than franchisors. They’d more quickly adapted as buyer behavior dramatically shifted from the phone to online channels. Fact: Over 70% of business research today is done online before a live conversation or visit occurs.*
  • Third, business shopper online expectations changed. Today’s serious buyer is impatient and wants complete and transparent information access before engaging. Even with franchisors. If people don’t get what they expect, they tend to move on.

Yet many franchisors still rely on phone-based recruiting methods that require live conversations, pioneered over 25 years ago, missing opportunities from this growing breed of new business buyer.

Our proven methodologies affordably overcome all the 21st Century obstacles described above. They were all created by recruiting pros; for recruiting pros to make us better at what we do.

Don’t be fooled by software or single quick fix answers

Until now no one has introduced a complete solution that can dramatically improve franchisee recruiter effectiveness. We get it. We do what you do. The answers are there. So, if you’re frustrated don’t give in to software pitches or quick fix temptations. This is hard work. Let us show you how we can help you tackle these challenges. Then decide if you want to go on the journey with us.

* 2014 State of B2B Procurement study

5 Franchisee Recruitment Traps to Sidestep for Faster Growth

Fast-growing brands can easily slip into one or more of these traps as they tackle the challenges of rapid growth.

Avoid them or risk hitting speed bumps along the journey.

Accelerate Franchise Growth... Expand Faster

How many more new franchisees would you like?

Discover the impact faster growth can have on your franchise brand in a few simple steps...

Recruitment reports no franchisor Should Live Without

These reports showcase important aspects of recruitment pipeline activity.

These critical performance metrics are often scattered, if available at all.

FPS Services Summary

Download Now to Compare Services

Integrated CRM and marketing automation solutions for startups, young and emerging franchise brands and franchise brokers with an emphasis on 'personal branding'.

How Should a Franchisee Recruitment Solution Help You Find Qualified Prospects?

Allow your recruiters to spend virtually no time weeding out unqualified leadsA great recruitment solution allows your recruiters to spend virtually no time weeding out unqualified leads and focuses precious recruiter time on your most Qualified Prospects. Where do...

5 Common Franchisee Recruitment Traps that Stall Unit Growth for New, Growing or Emerging Brands

Own, run or finance a franchise?Avoid these 5 common traps that stall or kill unit growth1. Firing Your Recruiter The #1 trap is often the least true. But it’s the easiest for a brand to feel good about; it’s quick, decisive but often the wrong choice. Can there be...

My 20-Year Journey to Great Recruitment Pipeline Management

Subheading hereIt takes a recruiter up to 30 minutes to ‘speak with’ one new lead! Think about it. It starts with manual or auto entry in a CRM, error checks, research, territory lookup, 1st call + voicemail + email; 2nd call + voicemail + email and finally 3rd call +...

The Science & Art of Franchisee Recruitment

Signing new franchisees is very much a numbers game…...However, without consistent, replicable processes and methods the numbers to hit growth goals will simply not stack up… When a successful company sets up as a franchise, they usually want to become a nationally...